Wednesday, May 6, 2009

10 Simple Things I Love

Restaurants, for making food when I am too tired to cook.

Cats, for their curious, playful nat

Laptops, so I can watch TV and use the computer simultaneously

Body Scrub, soft skin is good skin

Rain, I love weather in action

Children, I pray for one each day

The first cup of coffee, made fresh in the morning


Computer Games, so I can still be a learning child

Hugs from my husband


  1. I agree with your list. I keep praying for you to have a child too! I wish you all the luck in the world and I love you not matter what! Thanks for cheering me up with your list. Sometimes you just have to step back and take a breath.

  2. Your blog inspires me! It makes me think positive. This was such a cute list. I love it!!!!
