Monday, August 10, 2009

I still play Paper Dolls

OK so I haven't blogged so much lately, but who needs to hear the doldrums of work? Um NOBODY!
I have been keeping myself busy lately with a new online fad, I hadn't heard of it until a few weeks ago, when a group I joined in Facebook sent me a contest notice. Whoever creates the best fashion sheet from their clothing store, wins the clothing. "So, why not?" I thought. Anyway the contest ends August 31, and there are alot of interesting entries. I haven't explored completely, but I feel like I am 7 years old again playing with paper dolls!
Here are the fashion sheets I created for the contest:
View 'Clockwork 1' on Polyvore


  1. I posted a comment on this but it must've not came through. I love this, It looks like alot of fun. I love what you have created. Good luck!

  2. ok here is my note. Where are you? Ok I know where you are but I miss your thoughts. Please entertain me with all of your whitty comments!

  3. You did an amazing job of creating a fashion sheet. I've been wanting to join that contest before but haven't the talent to draw. I would rather blog, or shop but joining contests isn't for me. - juicy perfume
