June was a busy month at work and for the most part I was a drone in the hive. When my wee brain gets taxed I tend to withdraw, and hide a way after work, and become a bit neglectful. I hope my family and friends understand and forgive me my introverted ways, but I really do the best I can every day. OK enough of the wallow...
The highlight of June was my anniversary.... LUCKY 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kitty likes the roses
Mike and I were married in 1996 on a whim, and I am lucky to have found someone like him. I believe the greatest reward in our lives is to be able to go through life with love. Anyway, we went on a celebratory 4 wheeling adventure, and while Mike is "Quad Savvy" I was NOT! So I got to learn on a cute little automatic, and putted around for the afternoon.
Mike catching air
He tried to pull the Adventurer out in me, and it worked just a little, so maybe next time we go Mike will clock me at 15 miles and hour instead of just 12! Brave, brave, brave, braaavvee Miss Katie NOT. I was on spot with the camera though and got some good shots of Mike on the Salt Flats. My camera is great when there is plenty of light, but doesn't catch movement very well. So some of the pics are blurry, too sad. Mike got better pics of me driving around, but that is only because I was going sooooo sloooooowwww.
Ready to Ride!
Our front room project had finally been completed, well at least until I paint it with color. For anyone who doesn't know this story, here's the blurb: all interior walls are currently white and I don't like it. I told Mike a wanted to re-paint, and he stated only after the walls scuffs and dings have been corrected. No problem. So we get 95% done, and Mike does a preemptive strike and buys the same white paint and has recovered the walls. GRRRRRR. I will win someday and there will some color, someday. In the mean time I am grateful the room is ding-free and clean.Mike and I were married in 1996 on a whim, and I am lucky to have found someone like him. I believe the greatest reward in our lives is to be able to go through life with love. Anyway, we went on a celebratory 4 wheeling adventure, and while Mike is "Quad Savvy" I was NOT! So I got to learn on a cute little automatic, and putted around for the afternoon.
He tried to pull the Adventurer out in me, and it worked just a little, so maybe next time we go Mike will clock me at 15 miles and hour instead of just 12! Brave, brave, brave, braaavvee Miss Katie NOT. I was on spot with the camera though and got some good shots of Mike on the Salt Flats. My camera is great when there is plenty of light, but doesn't catch movement very well. So some of the pics are blurry, too sad. Mike got better pics of me driving around, but that is only because I was going sooooo sloooooowwww.
The last and most recent highlight has been our July 4th weekend. We ate with Mike's family, and I got to see my sister in laws 6 month old. He is all eyes and smiles easily! He is the newbie, it seems everyone else is growing up. Mike has two brothers, both are over 10 years younger, and they are graduated and almost full grown. It seems a bit surreal to me; I have this crazy mental image of myself in my twenties, and time changes around me but I still seem to stay young in my head. Of course it is only in my head, crow's feet and doughnut butt just don't lie.
Yesterday was my last adventure, though I guess I should admit I am the spectator, not the spectated. Mike and I went to Wendover so he could race his bike. I slathered spf 45 on my arms and face and luckily came away only slightly pink. Mike did well, but he commented that the bike wouldn't grip the track easily this time. He ran a 10.48 second 1/4 mile, which is fast but he thought he could do better. I am just happy he can still walk and talk.
Mike doing burn out
yay you are back! I am excited. I totally understand the hiding thing. I tend to do the same thing when I am out of my playing field. That pic of you ont eh 4-wheeler is so cute! I love 4-wheeling, at first I was scared but that 15 will happen. :)