Thursday, May 28, 2009

No Dreaming, Just Sneezing

2:36 am and I am AWAKE.
No rest for the weary, or people with allergies, apparently.
My cats can't tell time, but see me getting up from bed. So it must be time for breakfast.
OK - I pop open a can of Super Supper. Good kitties get a midnight snackez. But they really aren't hungry, so after a few licks they are off to go be cats somewhere else.
So here I sit, hoping to tire myself into sleep. I can hear my husband quietly snore from the bedroom. I am too uncomfortable to be jealous. Well, almost.
Hold on, need to get some more tissue. OK better.
I remember as a child in California being allergic to practically everything. I took medicine for asthma, we had to give away our cat, SnowBall, and I couldn't eat chocolate. We moved to Utah in 1980/81 and my allergies subsided; I have been able to keep cats, eat chocolate, and I don't need asthma medicine. I suppose I shouldn't complain too much about allergies, since I remember worse times, but at 2 in the morning my whiny side gets the better of me.
The last few weeks of May are when my allergies start and last year only lasted a few weeks, so hopefully I only have one more week. I am trying not to take any meds, except eye drops. I couldn't function without them. For anyone curious, here is what is pollinating in Utah right now:

Judging from their graph, Grass, Oak, and Mold are at the highest count. Grass is beautiful, but right now it is my enemy. I need the respite of four walls and cement.


  1. I hate allergies, I hate more when I a wide awake in the middle of the night and I am completely exhausted. That is the worst. Lucky me, my allergies dont hit til fall and like you I tough it out. Not so lucky me.. I am awake in the middle of the night at least twice a week. I am sympathizing

  2. I am so glad that I don't usually have allergy issues. Occasionally I'll get a runny nose or watery eyes, but nothing that ever keeps me up all night.

    Hope you feel better soon!
