Sunday, May 17, 2009

Aphid Crossing!

It has taken until May for Utah to see Spring, and finally my rose bushes are showing their first buds. But every Beauty has her Beast, and roses are no exception. Looming around every perfect bloom, ready to nibble and chomp, is a host of wicked little APHIDS! I have come to the conclusion my roses will never be free from these pests, but I thought I would be able to get a head start this year. Last weekend, nothing. No buds, no bugs. But this weekend? Buds and bugs.
Buds and Bugs and Bunches of work.
Oh wait.
Bug Spray.
Buds and Bugs and BUG SPRAY.

Thankfully, Mike bought the Aphid Spray on his last Home Store trip, and so I donned my garden gloves, and began spraying. Penny Kitty observed casually from the porch, and gratefully there was no wind, or she would've had to be put inside. It didn't take long to cover the rose bushes with their medicine, and in tepid weather, no worry of curl or burning. So now its just a matter of waiting to see how well my roses fare. I will keep track this season with pictures and hopefully some spray and a little Miracle Gro will give my roses the care they need to be beautiful this year!


  1. noooooooo!!!! everyday I head out to the yard to see how my plants fair, so far so good. Knock (hard) on wood.

  2. Hello! I just came across your blog through 30Something Bloggers and wanted to say hello!

    You reminded me of why I'm glad not to have roses anymore! They are so much work!
